Bruno Mars Wiki
Bruno Mars Wiki
This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Sam and Cat Wiki.

The chat room is for socializing. You can join it by clicking here. Wiki discussion, however, should be held in the forums.

Chat policies

When you use the chat, you agree not to:

  • Harass any other members of the wiki or say something that could put them down
  • Post links with explicit content
  • Impersonate any other person
  • Ask for personal information (address, password, etc.) of a person
  • Cause drama or arguments
  • Use explicit language (the censoring does not make it allowed)
  • Spam
  • Make references to offensive or inappropriate topics

Other policies

Moderators may enforce their own policies. These include:

  • Common sense. If there is something which you know may upset or anger someone, do not do it. If you have any questions, it is always better to ask an admin or moderator before proceeding.
  • Spamming the chat with emoticons which may cause it to crash/lag.
  • Please speak in sentences that people can understand.
  • Speaking in proper English only (no foreign languages).
  • Include everybody in the conversation.


  • A warning will be given before a ban is placed.
  • Bans are at the full discretion of the chat moderators.
  • Chat moderators must specify the reason and duration for each and every ban, on the user's talk page with the {{ChatBan|duration|reason}} template. Bans with unspecified reasons or durations may be lifted.


A kickbanned person may reply directly to the ban notice or ask an administrator to be unbanned if they believe the kickban was not justified. You must state the name of the chat mod kickbanning you and what exactly happened.
